Ghetto in Podgorze

Jews on Podgórze – There was a time, when Podgórze was resided mostly by Jews. They led there their life and interests but during the II World War occupant has founded the ghetto, where displaced Jews from Cracow and Kazimierz.
There, on the square of Ghetto from 1941 to 1943, Jews were living and from where they sett off to labour and extermination camps… Today on this place there are especially arranged, varied of form and size chairs, which are the symbol of Jewish gathering and the displacement of them from Cracow.
On the square there is also a small museum commemorating those past times – "Eagle Pharmacy”.
In Cracow there was also a Nazis labour camp not far away from Pogórze quarter. It was called „labour camp Plaszów”. People were dying there…
It also served as the photographic plan in the film “The list of Schindler”.